N.º 037, Adar 5691 (Fev-Mar 1931) > P02
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Ha-Lapid הלפיד

N.º 037, Adar 5691 (Fev-Mar 1931)


 2         HA-LAPÍD

Portuguese Marranos Committee

The Portuguese Marranos
Progress of their Reclamation

In this Fourth Annual Report, the Portu-
guese Marranos Committee beg to submit a
Statement on the progress of the work they
undertook in the year 1926 on the recom-
mendations made by the late Mr. Lucien
Wolf in the Report on his Mission to the
Portuguese Marranos.

The Committee had set itself the task of
lending a helping hand to Marranos in Por-
tugal who desire to return publicly to the
doctrines and practices of their, Jewish fo-
refathers. This desire is expressed implicitly
in the survival of considerable numbers of
cryto-Jews who have tenaciously clung to
such forms of their ancestral religion as
could still be practiced under the scrutiny
of intensely hostile surroundings. But the
signs of renewed interest in historic Ju-
daism manifested by some of the Marranos,
and the activities of Cap. Arthur Carlos de
Barros Basto. who became the apostolic
and inspiring leader of this movement, have
given open and articulate expression ot
their faith.

The Committee undertook, in the first
instance, to assist financially in the esta-
blishment ofa Jewish Community in Oporto,
which, being nearest to the Marrano set-
tlements in Northern Portugal, is likely to
exercise the desired influence most effecti-
vely. It has, for this purpose, made an
annual subvention of L 400, and has
forwarded to date a sum of L 1600 in quar-
terly instalments of L 100. The Committee
has contributed L 1135 towards the Building
Fund of the Oporto Synagogue, now in
course of construction, and has supported
the issue of various publications of an ins-
tructíve and devotíonal character for the
benefit of the neo-Jews in Portugal.

The Oporto Synagogue, "Mekor Haim",
is a handsome structure which gives the
Marrano visitors from the provinces their
first impression of a Jewish house of
worship, and will provid them with the

opportunity of joining in the Jewish pray-
ers acording to the ancient Sephardi rites.
The Committee regret that the Synagogue
is still unfinished owing to a lack of funds,
a sum of L1700 beig required to complete
the erection of the sacred edifice. Services
are, however, held in the communal hall
attached to the Synagogue.

The establischment of a Synagogue in
Oporto has had the effect ot rousing the
Jewish consciousness of many crypto-Jews,
particulary as the Oporto Congregation also
serves as a Jewish missionary centre among
the Marranos all over Northern Portugal.
Since April 1927, the monthly journal "Ha-
Lapid" likewise forms a link between the
Marranos deprived of all contact with the
Jewish world generally. Prayers for the
Sabbath and Holydays have been transla-
ted into Portuguese and published tor de-
votional use among the scattered groups of
Marranos. Portuguese translations of vari-
ous books the Jewish religion and the his-
tory of the Jewish people have provided
the necessary literature to those Marranos
who desire to become acquainted with Je-
wish life and thought.

In order that the movement may have a
permanent basis for its ultimate develo-
pment, a Jewish Theological Institute.
"Rosh Pinah", has been established in
Oporto, where, at the present time, five
students, hailing from various Marrano
centres, are being trained in a knowledge
of tenets and practices of tradicional Juda-
ism, so that they will be able to serve as
teachers and readers in their former dis-

In addition to Oporto, there are legally
constituted Jewish communnities at Bra-
gança and Coviiha. In April 1930 ne-Jewish
groups were also organised at Vila Real,
with Sr. Eugenio Cardoso as President and
at Macedo de Cavaleiros, with Sr. Albano
Saldanha as President. Efforts to form a
congregation at Chaves have not yet pro-
ved successful, but a Commitee has been
formed localty with Lieut. Joaquim Augusto
Nunes as President. Various Marrano
groups are attached to those neo-Jewish
centres for the purpose of Jewish religious
contact. There are no less tan 34 places
in Northern Portugal where Marranos are
to be found in varying numbers and with

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