N.º 054, Adar 5693 (Mar 1933) > P03
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Ha-Lapid הלפיד

N.º 054, Adar 5693 (Mar 1933)


                 HA-LAPID                        3

from the sons of Sir Elly Kadoorie, of Shanghai, of
a sum not exceeding L. 2000 to enable the Synagogue
in oporto to be completed.

I have pleasure in sending herewith a copy of
the letter from the generous donors as well as of the
resolutíons unanimously passed by this Committee.
As you will observe, there are various conditions
attached to the Gift, notably the desire that the Syna-
gogue shall bear the title of Kardoorie, a name that is
honoured throughout the Sephardi world.

I hope that you and the authorities of the Oporto
synagogue will agree to the conditions which we
consider to be entireiy acceptable in the circumstances.

But the Committee feel that your own efforts as
the initiaior of the Synagogue Building Fund and the
guiding spirit in its construction should be suitably
recorded on the Synagogue walls, and I, therefore,
bag to subjoin a Resolution which has been passed
unanimously by the Portuguese Murranos Committee
and which, we feel sure, will appeal to the Mahamad
and other authoríties of the Oporto Synagogue.

I take this happy opportunity of conveying to
you my sincere admiration of your gallant and de-
voted efforts on behalf of our Faith, and remain,

       With all regards and good wishes,
              Yours very faithfuilly,

                  Edward Lumbroso Mocatta,


Resolved that, in order to mark the sense of high
appreciation by the Portuguese Marranos Committee
of the historic services rendered by Capt. Arthur Car-
los de Barros Basto in the Jewish Work of Redemp-
tion in Portugal in general and the erection of the
Synagogue in Oporto in particular. it be intimated to
the authorities of the Jewish Community of Oporto
that this Committee is of the opinion that a Tablet
suitably be placed in de vestibule of the Sinagogue
recording the abiding lace which Capt. Barros Bas-
to has secured in Jewish History as the inspiring Lea-
der among his Portuguese brethren-in-faith.

        Portuguese Marranes Committee Reclutions ie
           Kadaine Gitt.

                         30 the November 1932

The Portuguese Marranos Committee of London,
having considered at a Meeting specially convened
for the purpose a communication dated the 15 th
October 1932 from Lawrence Kadoorie, Esquire, of
Shanghai, in which an Offer is conveyed that Messrs.
Lawrence and Horace Kadoorie are prepired to con-
tribute a sum not exeeeding L. 2000 for the completion
of the Synagogue building in the rua Guerra Junqueiro
in Oporto. Portugal, which is to bear the honoured
name of Kidoorie, in order to mark their love, res-
pect and veneration for their Father, Sir Elly Kadoorie,
K. B. E., Com. Leg. Hon., and their Mother, the late
Laura Kadoorie.

Resolved that this Offer with the conditions atta-
ched thereto he and is hereby accepted with gratitude
by this Committee on behalf of the Mahamad of the
Jewish Community of Oporto and the legal owners
and authorities of the Synagogue building with its
surrounding grouds.

The Portuguese Marranos Committee begs to
convey to Messrs. Lawrence and Horace Kadoorie the
sense of profound appreciation of the public-spirited
action which has moved them to associate their res-
pected Parents for all time with a sacred and historic
undertaking unique in Jewish annals, and proposes
that this high-minded Gift for the benefit of the
Jewish Work of Redemption in Portugal shall be duly
recorded in the Hebrew, Portuguese and English lan-
guages on a Tablet to be placed on the outsid front
wall of the Synagogue.

It is further resolved that, on the receipt of the
benefaction by Leon Benham Castello, Esquire, the
Treasurer of the Portuguese Marranos Committee, of
the Vestry Offices, Heneage Lane, Bevis Marks, Lon-
don, E C. 3, an intimation of the Gift shall be con-
veyed to Captain Arthur Carlos de Barros Basto, the
President and to the Mahamad of tha jewish Com-
munity of Oporto, and that this Committee be empo-
wered to pay to the authoritios of the Oporto Syna-
gogue thereout such sums as shall be required to
complete the Synagogue building with a Succah and
Mikveh attached thereto, and to place the surrouding
grounds in a condition that shall be creditable to all

That a copy of the foregoing Resolutions, signed
by Edward Lumbrozo Mocatta, Esquire, the Chair-
man of the Portuguese Marranos Committee, be
forwarded to the generous donors.

                       Sir Eliy Kadoorie & Sons.
                           15 th October, 1932

Dear Mr. Duparc,

We have received your letter of 19 the August
informing us that due to lack of funds, the Portu-
guese Marranos Committee is unable to complete the
Sinagogue building in Oporto.

The suggestion made by a member of the Coun-
cil of the Anglo-Jewish Association that the Syna-
gogue should be named by us if we were prepared to
give the necessary funds for its completion much
appealed to both myself and my Brother, especially
as we feel we should like to render possible the foun-
ding of a Sephardi institution such as this, as a token
of the love, respect, and afection we bear to our Fa-
ther and Mother.

in cousequence we today sent a telegram to Mr.
Salmon who is the manager of our firm here, and
who is at present on leave in London, to see you and
convey to you the information that, subject to the
Synagogue bearing the name of "Kadoorie" and a
tablet being placed on the exterior of the building or
in some other suitable position to the efect that the
institution was rendered possible by Lawrence Ka-
doorie and Horace Kadoorie who wished it to stand
in perpetuity "as a memorial to the love, respect and
afection they bear to their Father Sir Eliy Kadoorie,
K. B. E., Com. Leg. Hon., and their Mother the late
Laura Kadoorie", we should be glad to provide up to
L 2000 for its completion.

On hearing from you that the Committee will
aceede to this request, we shall immediately give
instructions to the Westminster Bank, Paddinton
Branch, to pay the Anglo-Jewish Association on de-

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