4 HA-LAPID ========================================== Think and Thank, Bevis Mark in history, Chaim Weismarz, etc.. Com emoção recordamos os trabalhos de Goodman durante vinte anos na obra do Resgate dos maranos portugueses, a sua viagem a Trás-os-Montes, a sua acti- vidade para obter ajudas para a construção desta Sinagoga. Quando fez os seus 70 anos a Federa- ção Sionista da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda ins- tituiu uma publicação na Universidade He- braica de Jerusalém intitulada "Paul and Romana Goodman Publicationv sobre a vida comunal e religiosa dos Maranos em Por- tugal durante os séculos XVI e XVII. Seu filho mais novo Cyril foi o inteli- gence Officer da Brigada Judaica nesta segunda Grande Guerra. O Porto israelita está de luto e de luto está Israel. A pequena comunidade portuense perdeu um dos seus membros beneméritos, a grande congregação de israel perdeu um dos seus valiosos pilares. Não houve actividade israelita constru- tiva em prol do Bem, da Verdade, da justiça e do amor da Humanidade a quem Ele não desse um pouco do seu grande esforço. Judeus Maranos de Portugal encomendai nas vossas orações a alma piedosa daquele que no mundo se chamou Paul Goodman, elevando o vosso coração em homenagem à Santíssima Unidade, que nos enviou tão belo guia, ao qual Ele depois de ter desem- penhado a sua nobre missão, acaba de o chamar à sua divina presença para o galar- dão bem merecido e para o repouso eterno no reino de Deus. Do Times-Londres, segunda-feira 15 de Agosto de 1949. ZIONISM IN ENGLAND Mr. Paul Goodman, for many years a notable figure in the Zionist movement in England, died on Saturday in hospital in London at the age of 74. He was borne at Dorpat, Lithuania, on April 10, 1875, and for some time after his arrival in this country in 1891 he lived in Glasgow. In 1895 he was appointed assistant secretary of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation (the Sephardi community) in London, the original community of Jewish settlers in this country, succeeding to the secretaryship on the death of Samuel Cohen, who, like him, was born not into the Sephardi but into the Ashkenazi or North European community of Jews. He retired in 1946. As a young man he took an interest in Zionism and in 19'0 was appointed secre- tary of the English Zionist Federation. This interest continued to develop until he became, many years before his death, one of the acknowledged Zionist leaders in Anglo- -Jewry. He was in succession honorary secretary, honorary treasurer, and chairman of the political committee of the English Zionist Federation and of the Zionist Fede- ration of Great Britain and Ireland: to which it later changed its name, and he was a vice-president of the federation for eight years. His other Zionist activities included membership of the council of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the acting chairmanship of the English central committee of the Pa- lestine Foundation Fund in 1926, and he was honorary treasurer of the International Confederation of General Zionists and chair- man of the Sir Moses Montefiore Comme- moration Commitee for the establishment of a chair in English at the Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem. Another interest of Goodman's was in the Marranos or secret Jews of northern Portugal, descendants of forced converts to Christianity of the early sixteenth century. He made several visits to these Marranos in Portugal, and was honorary secretary of the International Portuguese Marrano Commit- tee, formed in 1926 for their recovery for Judaism. For his services in this connexion he was made an honorary vice-president of the Jewish community of Oporto. Goodman was one of the earliest members in England of the Order B'nai B'rith, originally a German-Jewish friendly organization which developed into an international organization for the succour of Jews in need in Europe and Asia, with headquarters in the United States. At one time or another he held practically every honorary office in England. Goodman's first book, published in 1908, was "The Synagogue and the Church", a polemical work that attracted some attention both in England and America. His small "History of the Jews" appeared as a Temple primer in 1911 and subsequently passed into seven editions, having in its time probably the largest sale of any Jewish book published
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