HA-LAPID 5 ======================================= in England, apart from the Prayer Book, other books of his included "Moses Mon- tefiore" (1925) and "The Jewish National Home" (1943). He also wrote a number of historical and other pamphlets, was editor of the Department of Anglo-judaica of the twelve-volume "Universal Jewish Encyclo- pedia", edited the Zionist Review for se- veral years, and was a contributor to the "Encyclopedia Judaica", the "Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics", and the "Encyclo- pedia of the Social Services". A Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, he married Miss Romana Manczyk in 1907, who has long been very active in Zionist affairs. She was president of the Women's International Zionist Conference at Carlsbad in 1923 and at Vienna in 1925. He is sur- vived by her, together with two sons and a daughter. Do Boletim mensal da Spanish & Portuguese, Jews' Congregation, de Londres (Setembro 1949). MR. PAUL GOODMAN The news of the death of Mr. Paul Goodman, for over fifty years Assistant Secretary and Secretary of our Congrega- tion, removes from our midst a man who was not only a servant of the Kahal remar- kable for his ability but also a man who by his energetic and fruitful activities outside the synagogue cama to be well known over a large part of the Jewish world. He was born at Dorpat, the university town of Esthonia, then part of the Russian Empire, but emigrated to England while still a boy. He was appointed Assistant Secretary to Mr. Sam Cohen in 1891 and succeeded him as Secretary four years later, and until his retirement in 1946 he was the guiding force in the Congregation's affairs. He had not morely mastered the English language with ease, and established himself as a res- ponsible writer and journalist; he identified himself completely whith Bevis Marks and its illustrious history, sparing no pains to raise its position in the world of Sefarad; He was on of the keenest supporters of the Marranos Committee, which sought to re- cover for Judaism the numerous descen- dants of those forced converts to Christia- nity who still inhabit parts of Portugal, and visited Portugal as the Congregatíon's Am- bassador. He was active in support of the ideas of World Sefardi Union unfortunately largely disrupted by the War. Perhaps posterity will thank him most for another, different task which he achieved. At a most vital moment in our history when our ministry was in greatest need he set out to travel over Europe and seek for pupils to be trained. It is owed to him to-day that the Very Rev. tho Haham and Rev. Abinum are with us. Of his Work for Zionism there is no need to speak. He was one of its leading statesmen and one of its most talented ex- ponents in this country, and it was to Zio- nism that his real heart was given, and in this work he was assisted by his hardly less talented wife. To her and to her chil- dren the Congregation offers its sincerest sympathies in their berenvement. -------------- Spanish & Portuguese Jew's Congregation Shahar Ha-Shamaim (Congregação Judaica Portuguesa e Es- panhola Porta dos Céus), foi fundada em Londres na Creechurch Lane. E. C. 3 em 1657. Tem as seguintes sinagogas na capital inglesa: Bevis Marks Synagogue. E. C. 3 (aberta em 1701). Ramsgate Synagogue (aberta em 1833); Lauderdale Road Synagogue, w9 (aberta em 1896); Holland Park Synagogue w 11 (aberta em 1938); A sede desta Congregação, mãe da Con- gregação Portuense, é na Heneage Lane, Bevis Marks. E. C. 3 London.
N.º 145, Tishri-Tevet 5710 (Set-Dez 1949)
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