N.° 122 PORTO - Luas de Março e Abril - 5704 (1944 e. v.) ANO XVIII ============================================================================================================= Tudo se ilumina _______ ___ _______ |=|____ _______ ...alumia-vos para aquele que |____ ||_ || ___ ||____ ||_____ | e aponta-vos o busca a luz. | | |_| \_\ | | / / _ | | caminho. | | _____| | / / | | | | BEN-ROSH |_| |_______| /_/ |_| |_| BEN-ROSH (HA-LAPID) O FACHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT. E EDITOR: -A. C. DE BARROS BASTO (BEN-ROSH) || COMPOSTO E IMPRESSO NA IMPRENSA MODERNA, L.DA Redacção na Sinagoga Kadoorie Mekor Haim || Rua da Fábrica, 80 Rua Guerra Junqueiro, 340 - Porto || ------------------- P O R T O ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TWO NOBLE JEWS SIR ELLY KADOORIE and DR. ALFRED KLEE by Paul Goodman The people of israel has suffered the loss of two great figures. Sir Elly Kadoorie and Dr. Alfred Klee, whose names are honoured among the Jews of Portugal and who have contributed to the revival of Judaísm among the Marranos in that country. Sir Elly Kadoorie died on the 8th Fe- bruary 1944 at Shanghai, which is now under Japanese occupation, and it is a com- fort to know through the Red Cross that his sons, Lawrence and Horace Kadoorie, were then at his bedside in the case of Dr. Alfred Klee, whose genial personality will be gratefully recalled in Oporto, he died at a German concentration camp in Holland, in which country he had been living for some time past. He was offered many favourable opportunities to leave the Continent for England, but he preferred to remain in danger with his people to the last. These were two noble Jews. whose lives were dedicated to the advancement of the religious, cultural and philanthropic inte- rests of their people. The fate that has overtaken Sir Elly Kadoorie and Dr. Alfred Klee is a very sad indication of the overwhelming Jewish tra- gedy of these days. For the princely Ka- doorie family, in Shanghai, under the Japa- nese, and the death of Dr. Klee in a German concentration camp in Holland, have suffe- red in the unparalleled upheaval of the present world-conflict. But it also beto- kens the universality of Judaism, world- -wide in its sympathies as well as well as in its sorrows. For Sir Elly Kadoorie, ilustrious Sephardi philantropist, in the yar. East, with his sons, and Dr. Klee, a great leader of the Jews in Germany, have been devoted and generous friends of the Mar- ranos in Portugal. The Kadoorie Synago- gue in Oporto stands as a monument of the Faith of Israel: the Kadoorie family was deeply interested in its welfare and progress, and the presence of Dr. Alfred Klee (tegether with his son, Dr. Hans Klee, now in Switzerland) at its solemn Conse- cration in January 1938, will remain part of the historic revival of their co-religio- nists in Northern Portugal.
N.º 122, Nissan-Yiar 5704 (Mar-Abr 1944)
> P01