N.° 139 PORTO - Luas de Setembro, Outubro e Novembro - 5708 (1947 e. v.) ANO XXII ============================================================================================================= Tudo se ilumina _______ ___ _______ |=|____ _______ ...alumia-vos para aquele que |____ ||_ || ___ ||____ ||_____ | e aponta-vos o busca a luz. | | |_| \_\ | | / / _ | | caminho. | | _____| | / / | | | | BEN-ROSH |_| |_______| /_/ |_| |_| BEN-ROSH (HA-LAPID) O FACHO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT. E EDITOR: -A. C. DE BARROS BASTO (BEN-ROSH) || COMPOSTO E IMPRESSO NA IMPRENSA MODERNA, L.DA Redacção na Sinagoga Kadoorie Mekor Haim || Rua da Fábrica, 80 Rua Guerra Junqueiro, 340 - Porto || ------------------- P O R T O ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE HAJESTY OF JUDAISM "The special Committee shall give most careful consi- deration to the religious interests in Palestine of Islam, Judaism and Christianity." Por PAUL GOODMAN The terms of reference given to the inquiry Committee on Palestine appointed by the General Assembly of the United Nations contain the above instruction that goes far beyond the other proposed inves- tigations into the political problem of Palestine. The universal interest in the political future of Palestine has thereby been extended to the religious sphere co-extensive with three world Faiths that have a recognised status in the Holy Land. It is of the utmost importance that the examination of the religious rights and privileges of Judaism in the Holy Land shall not suffer by the specific political and economic problems in which the Jewish position in Palestine is so closely involved. We cannot, of course, overlook the fact that, while in those fields of human endeavour that must necessarily affect the life of every individual Jewish resident in Palestine, those problems must be regula- ted and protected by the persons directly concerned, our common interest in the Faith that unites Jews all over the world demands that we shall speak on the sacred subject at issue with one voice. For the Majesty of Judaism in the eyes of the non- jewish world is now in jeopardy. We, therefore, purposely refrain from a11 polemical allusions which might raise controversies on political grounds. The intervention of organisations intent to stake out a claim to be heard cannot be justified in the present case under consideration. At best, any Jewish religious conflict-if there be one that can now conceivably be suggested-is bound to have a deplorable effect on a non-Jewish, alien tribunal. We, therefore, believe that the highest interests of Judaism in the Holy Land-which all its adherents have to bear in mind-will be best served if the Jewish representation be left entirely in the competent hands of the two Chief Rabbis of Palestine. The Jewish people is very fortunat in having its religious interests in Palestine safeguarded by two spiritual leaders of re- nown-R. Isaac Herzog and R. Benzion Uziel-whose eminent qualifícations as the spokesmen of Judaism in the Holy Land are unchallengeable. In R. Benzion Uziel the Sephardi elements have an enlightened religions leader whose numerous publica- tions on halachic problms in modern Jew- ish life in Palestine give him an exceptional claim as a Jurist to be respected, while Dr. Herzog is, by virtue of his important English publication, a universally recogni- sed authority on Jewish law and life. These highest Jewish ecclesiastical dig- nitaries, who, by their official as well as by their personal qualifícations, enjoy the unquestioned confidence of the Yishub, are, therefore, most fitted to represent the case of Judaism in the Holy Land before the Inquiry Committee of the United Nations.
N.º 139, Tishri-Kislev 5708 (Set-Nov 1947)
> P01